Efest 14500 800mAh (Black) 2014
Official specifications:
- Weight: 55g
- Length: 49.11mm
- Diamter: 14.15mm
- Top: Button top
- Bottom: protected
- Typical Capacity: 800mAh
- Min capacity: 800mAh
- Max discharge current: 3A
- Max charge current: 3A
- Recommended Max Discharge: 1.68A (2C)
- Cycle life: 300 times
- Normal Voltage: 3.7V
- Full Charge voltage: 4.2V
- Dishcarge temperature range:-10°C—60°C
- Charge temperature range: 0°C—40°C
- Storage: 1 year:-20°C—25°C, 3 months:-20°C—45°C, 1 month:-20°C—60°C
This battery is a protected battery.
The performance is fairly good, but with a mismatch in capacity.
A acceptable battery, that can deliver up to about 2A.
Notes and links
How is the test done and how to read the charts
How is a protected LiIon battery constructed
More about button top and flat top batteries
Comparison to other LiIon batteries